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You value security and protect your web content from hackers?

We have a system and method for securely updating your content. 

Security concerns on the web remain one of the highest risks for web developers and for owners/operators of websites. It is a continuous fight between hacker and developer, with the hackers being typically a few steps ahead of the developers. In order to prevent hacking, developers and owners/operators of websites must apply continuous security measures.

 CMS Security (CMSS) will significantly reduce the risk of hacking web content.

CMSS is used to modify the contents of a website is installed on a user’s computer. It communicates with a database and it stores information of a website and its content. It uses a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor in order to ensure a user friendly interface for modifying html code. It uses optional coding modules such as JS/CSS/PHP/HTML editors for advanced users or site administrators.

Our application, CMSS is offered to web developers around the world. Our methods and systems manage web site content through a local CMS client application.